There are elder millennials that believe in the old x ways.

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I am cognizant of how bad I have it.

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One of us! One of us! One of us!

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Recommend when teaching them to drive use a standard transmission and make them do the standard maintenance on a car.

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Gen X - can F off. As someone who is a cusper- gen x f itself and everyone else by voting in a dictator. Thanks for getting in your final F U

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Yup, same here (UK-based). They’ve grown up just fine (sorry I meant fked).

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This article is confusing because he must be a very late Xer because most of Gen X turned into the helicopter parents of Gen Z. It was the Xenials of whom I'm a part that fought back for free range parenting. (Though millennials have birthed the Gentle parenting bullshit)

Gen X, by and large, went from Latchkey kids to Helicopter parents. I wrote more on that here:


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I am going to reply to all of the questions and criticisms about this post at a later date. But to address any confusion, different people from different generations and even within the same generation can have different or similar parenting styles. No group is monolithic. Reading your post, you're obviously invested in a certain narrative about Gen X. Hey, more power to you. But anyone can be free range. Thanks for writing.

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Not invested. Curious and humored at that little bit of cultural blindness from themselves. And yes, generational cultures are not monolithic as opposed to the meme that leads your essay ;)

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One more thing. You wrote: "I think they also have the cure for many of the issues we face today. I also think it’s not too late for them to get back to their roots." Isn't that kind of what the essay I wrote was all about? A return to sanity on at least one front. Take the W!

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It is. I just found it interesting that you missed that Gen X, by and large, created the issues you're angling against. It's a big blind spot for that generation, especially since those types are the ones who are likely to post all the memes.

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With all due respect, I didn't miss anything. I just didn't write about causes. That would have been a totally different and much less fun essay to write --and read. I kept the focus narrow. Anyone who wants to hash out why there are helicopter parents can be my guest. I'll just be over here saying nope.

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I'm curious about this because Gen X, by and large are the parents of Gen Z. I'm a millennial and parent to Gen A. Likewise my parents were boomers. It's Gen X who are the helicopter parents and started that zeitgeist.

The free range parenting movement was largely birthed from Millennial Parents. Again, just working with standard distributions, not the tail ends.

But X went from Latchkey kids to Helicopter Parents: https://www.polymathicbeing.com/p/from-latchkey-kids-to-helicopter

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I was born in 1964. I consider myself Gen X. Pleaaaaaaase can I be Gen X? I ain't no boomer!

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I'll meet with the Select Committee For Review of Non-Traditional Generational Members just kidding we're Gen X we don't like committees you're in.

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hahaha thank you!!!!!

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Just fyi: plex and tubi are both streaming sites with free to watch livestreaming and on demand stuff. I mean, big trouble in little China, the last boyscout, Babylon 5, star Trek tng, hunter (fred dryer), all that shit. And you get commercials you can't skip for most of their offerings! As a genexer, it's heaven. Honest ta god, try ‘em out and lemme know what you think.

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You had me at free. We watched free TV growing up. It is our way.

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This is the way.

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Raised my kids as Gen X as possible. NE Ohio as well in a walkable hood where my kids could stroll to the corner store for slushies or ride their bikes to the city pool. Scandalous! Somehow, though, most of our generation went Benedict Arnold and became helicopter parents.

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Riding your bike to the pool without parents is a major life event on par with getting your driver's license. All the Braveheart FREEDOM scream vibes.

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This is not going to work

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As a genXer I vaguely approve of this message.

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This is the correct Gen X energy

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I think the word is entitlements!!!!!!!!!!!!

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What I find funny about gen x, and I am one, is that we are the ones that developed the Internet age. We are the ones that created the mess that is social media. We really need to take off our rose coloured glasses. We are the evil scientists.

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I was not invited to the Let's Ruin The Internet Meeting. If I had been, I would have said, "Please don't ruin the internet." Which I believe peaked in 2003 when it was all news sites and blogs and message boards.

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Yes, you were invited. You just did not have the foresight to understand what you were doing. Just like the baby boomers, the gen Y's and the millenials.

I am really over this idea that people have when they believe everyone else is the arsehole when we are all the arseholes who created the world we live in today.

Your reply just proves to me that the Gen xer's are just as childish as the boomers.

Economics of the time creates cultural shifts in generations. Not intellect.

The fact that the majority of Gen Xer's played their part in the finacialisation of everything only proves this. How many rental properties to you own?

If you want to know if you were invited to the lets wreck the internet party then answer these questions.

How many years were, or still currently, active on Facebook?

When did you realise that Google was more about making money then offering a social service to the community?

For myself I realised Facebook was evil when people were more interested in friend counts then the knowledge they were receiving through facebook posts. So within the first 6 months of facebook becoming mainstream. The hysteria for facebook was just like the hysteria for AI today.

With google it was when I realised that the top search results were those websites purchasing those positions from google. Search results were biased towards those who money. So about 12 years ago.

The Gen xer's, and I am one, need to pull the heads out of their own bums and take responsibility for what they have helped create instead of gaslighting themselves into believing they are exceptional to all other generations.

Gen xer's created the problems today through participation over their 40 to 50 years living on this planet. Not questioning anything. Just consuming. Just like the baby boomers.

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For a true challenge, try landline party line. My parent's phone was on a party line until the 1990's.

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I like a challenge. Can I pay extra for this?!?

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A gentle hint: your kids do need their own stuff: music they find on their own, their own tv and films. I say this as a tried and true Gen X’er. As much as I love my pop culture, I love it because I found it. It’s great to share culture as a family but we all need our own niche, when your kids find theirs, let them as you were allowed to find yours.

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Yeah, discovery has changed. We do take them to places like the library, where they can pick out their own DVDs and books. And believe me, they have their own interests that go beyond ours, as they should. Friends help with that.

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Lmao - “we’re not perfect, we’re drunk.”

Loved your article! I’m not officially Gen X but borderline enough to know what it’s all about and to have lived some of that time period in an impactful way.

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Thank you. We welcome all who self-identify as such.

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