I smiled at this post that follows the original. I continue to receive likes for the comment that I left discussing my four millennials. When I recounted your story and comments to my sons, I had no idea that it would ignite a fire storm of debate in the family. 😂 The youngest (1991) absolutely disagreed that the oldest (1981) shared his millennial space. I have always considered them to be bookends, but then discovered, depending on whose graphic you embrace, he could be Gen X. It was as if their former academic forensics had been ignited and I sat back and watched with amusement.

Thanks for the smiles.

btw, the youngest had credible and valid points that won me to his side. In the end, they mostly agreed and then moved onto debating John Goodman’s best acting role. ❤️

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Ha ha. Amazing. Also, Goodman was perfect as the cyclops in O Brother.

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Gen X: Hound- Transformers Age of Distinction

Gen Y ‘80’s: 10 Clover Lane

Gen Y ‘90’s: James Sullivan- Monsters, Inc.

🤷🏽‍♀️ I argued he was an incredible balance to Denzel Washington in the movie Flight.


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Oh, you guys are good.

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Wasn’t Gen X the one that gave us the school pick-up lines?

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According to the highly accurate documentary "Mr. Mom," they were around in the 1980s.

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Gen X were relatively free range as kids, but matured into controlling parents. I could not find good data for car pick-ups going back, so I cannot prove any of this. But the recent data are pretty good, and I saw only 53% car-to-school, which is much less than imagined. Cars take up a lot of space, so it does not really take that many cars to make it seem like a place of full of cars!

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We had lawn darts, and the 1970 AAR Cuda, all others pale in comparison❤️

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Thanks for providing a block list of insufferable contrarians 😆

I’m all for spirited discussions about generations as long as the people involved come from a place of genuine interest & hold rational, knowledgeable perspectives. Those fools make it clear right away they just want to fight. I block people whose replies are dripping with arrogance & contempt right off the bat.

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You are welcome for the unintentional public service : )

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Haters gonna hate. We’re not in charge because parents of gen x didn’t have enough of us. Can we get some credit for saving the planet??? Ughhhh, gag me with a spoon.

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Ah dear Stephen. With the talk of water softeners and disinfected water supplies. The lad has never heard of well water, it would seem. Or that some folks may have not have had a whole house water softening system. “Hey Culligan man!”.

But saddest of all, he doesn’t know how hoses work. When one turns off the water supply to a hose water remains in the hose Stephen. And that water sits, in a tube made of the rubber that won the Cold War, and it grows things. Little tiny things that would give you nightmares if you understood them. But those things get dislodged and run through that tube of sustenance as soon as the water supply is engaged.

And we drank that shit.

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“We drank that shit. " - Gen X

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