Mar 27Liked by Joe Donatelli

When it comes to nutrition headlines, I generally roll my eyes and say “Salt and eggs,” which have gone from healthy to unhealthy to healthy at least six times in my life. For health headlines, I take the aforementioned salt by more than pinches due to a rather scary thing I was told once: I knew a man who audited the research studies at a major American hospital, and he said every single study he looked at had glaring flaws. We certainly live in interesting times.

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Mar 27Liked by Joe Donatelli

When I commented on this article about intermittent fasting, i really wasn't thinking about the 91% and dying from heart disease. I'm healthy and I believe my eating habits are healthy (now). What jumped out at me was the part about nobody skipping dinner. When I tried fasting I found I was eating the same amount of food, only starting a little later in the morning. I ate the same amount for dinner, usually at 6:00pm. It doesn't make sense to eat the largest meal of the day right before plopping myself on the couch for the rest of the evening. I need to find a way to eat dinner at 6am.

I gained a pound this week. Ugh. This is really hard.

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